Signature Training
We are expert trainers and facilitators, leveraging Theory U, the Art of Hosting, and Appreciative Inquiry in our approach. Our customized training focuses on enhancing team cohesion, communication, and leadership in today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment.
We tackle complex issues head-on, while using psychological practices to create a safe and inclusive space for all team members to engage and interact. With over 10 years of experience in lecturing, training, and facilitating, we are well-suited to develop "train the trainer" curricula and build facilitation skills.
What Our Clients Say
Reimagining Success as Humane - Awakening the Powerhouse in You I and Us
A training developed to accompany the growing demand of management and teams
• The use of Assertive Communication amongst teams
• The How To’s of Active Listening
• Can We Talk: Participants will take a valid assessment to gage where they are on the communication continuum
• Considering Circumstances
Cost: $4500 in Person (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant;
Ask about our virtual, ondemand, and larger group rates
Via character of strengths
Participants will take a strengths assessment and learn their top strengths.
• Utilizing your top strengths
• Recognizing disharmony as the under or over utilization of strengths
• Shared and collective strengths of a team
Cost: $4500 in Person/Hybrid (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant;
Ask about our virtual, ondemand, and larger group rates
• Leadership - Learn your leadership style, participants will take a valid leadership assessment
• Your top strengths as a leader
• Leading with Integrity
• Leading in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Continuous, Ambiguous) State
Cost: $4500 in Person/Hybrid (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual, ondemand, larger group rates.
• What is Burnout
Covers Burnout, the effects of Burnout, Avoiding Burnout and Self Care
• Trust and Masterful Delegation
• Using creativity and passion to drive success
• Participants take a positive psychology wellness assessment
Cost: $4500 in Person/Hybrid (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual, ondemand, and larger group rates.
Our emphasis on Psychological Safety, fosters a safe space for Honest Discussions and Amplifies Voices. Our Commitment to Continuous Improvement and Follow Through, drives Authentic and Meaningful, Visible, and Sustainable Change.
​Our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging training and integration planning is customized to fit the needs of your organization and is provided by a qualified Diversity Equity & Inclusion trainer and certified culturally competent leaders, with over ten years of expertise. We use valid tools and methodology to fully assess your organization’s needs and placement on a Diversity Equity & Inclusion continuum, then provide training and strategic planning that is specific to your organizational needs. We do not shy away from disagreeable conversations while simultaneously using practices drawn from psychology to foster a safe space for all team members to participate, interact and be heard.
Moving The Movement Within
Where we stand:
The team will be lead in the completion of the Meyer DE&I Assessment Tool
The Heart Talk / Implicit Association Test
Diverse Groups within the organization and intersectionality
Allyship and Intervening using Upstander to Bystander Interventions for Organizations
Ideas, Moving Forward and Next Steps
Cost: $10,000.00 in Person/Hybrid (Less than 30 Participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual, ondemand, larger group rates and not for profit discount; Does not include travel cost.
Total Cost for 2 module training: $8,000 (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual and ondemand rates, Does not include travel cost. Does not include Moving the Movement Within
Total Cost for 3 module training: $12,000 (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual and ondemand rates, Does not include travel cost. Does not include Moving the Movement Within
Total Cost for 4 module training: $16,000; (Less than 30 participants); $35.00 for each additional participant; Ask about our virtual and ondemand rates, Does not include travel cost. Does not include Moving the Movement Within
1) Powerpoint for each module
2) Quizzes for all four modules (when requested)
3) Worksheets for all four modules
4) Participant survey
5) Reimagination session to discuss need
6) Follow Up/Debriefing session
7) All Modules include a valid assessment/questionnaire
*Training can be tailored to budget, time and need
*Nonprofit discount 25% with proof of 501c3 status
*Ask about integration/substitution of DE&I Training
*Rates do not include travel cost